Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Adult Learning Theories

Last night was the last session of our Adult Learning Theories... I must say that I spent the first 3-4 sessions in quite a stressful daze but only, really, seriously enlightened during the last session and the one before the last.

As much amazement and respect I have for some of my course mates, for having such good memory on so many previous theories covered during our ACTA days, I've also found my own way to get my head around the new ones introduced to us in this module and that is, to put in a little more effort to read up on them during my own time after the classes.

Going through this module will definitely alter the way I plan training. Particularly, I found the exercise where we are to contextualise an existing lesson plan using any of the Adult Learning Theory very useful. It seems easier and also more effective as I could just conceptualise the activities and slides before I try to play around their sequence by applying the Adult Learning Theory.

My team mate H also made me realised that we have to (really, really have to) think out of the box! He initiated to make several changes to any given lesson plans and he does so with confidence and a clear objective that anything goes as long as the learners gain the required knowledge.

Like this activity that we've finally completed last night... he took the initiative to make amendments to the training methods, training duration when we, on the other hand, seemed pretty stuck on the idea that we were only rearranging the sequence!

Learners like him being so kinaesthetics will definitely make the facilitator mindful to include more hand-on activities. I must remember that. :)

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With these said, I'd enjoyed the module, though I may have to work harder on the memory retention part than the rest. :)

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