Tuesday, November 29, 2011

These Little Cards...

... we played.

In Monday evening's class... we were given plenty of small cards with words or phases to sort out and these phases and words are extracted from different Learning Theories.

Personally, I found games like these extremely helpful. Much more than sitting through a lecture. At least by sorting them where they belong, I could remember better. I hope I'm right to say, games like these satisfy the visually, kinaesthetically & tactilely-inclined learners. Definitely, ME! I'm sure the auditory learners could be satisfied too, if they were reading out or if they were listening to the theories being read out and checked later.

As we were given the cards earlier in the session and were asked to sort out, I was embarrassingly shocked that some of my team mates could remember where these phrases came from, or rather, they remembered bits and pieces of these theories. Strange I couldn't. I found myself having to rely heavily on the notes thereby spent some time flipping through the notes.

Time given was, I would say, sufficient for the sorting out. The outcome was effective because the impression and knowledge are still fresh in my mind - I could remember well because I'd seen the cards and words, I touched them and learned through group discussion and sharing.

Here's what our group did! Beautiful, aren't they? Kudos to my creative and responsible team mates.

We've sorted out and put together the few Learning Theories:
  • Critical Thinking Theory
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Mezirow's Transformative Learning
  • Self-Directed Learning

After all the sorting out were done, we were told we'd just gone through Collaborative Learning - which is working with others to construct learning. We came together, supported each other with what we knew and and put together Theories in the correct manner. We've also shared with each other what and why the cards should be here or there thus resulting in an active and constructive process and we'd developed these learning together.

* * * * * * * * * *

If there were 3 of us in our group and all 3 were like me, with half my mind blank the moment the game had started with the only verbal and quick instructions given as 'Sort The Cards', would it have ended with a different learning outcome? Having the right mix of learners in a Collaborative Learning environment is crucial, isn't it? Peer support was important to me during the game and I remembered feeling slightly out of place as I was disassociated. So I definitely think that social learning took place too!

NOW WHAT IF... just what if, again... the theories were briefed or revised with us before we started the game?
Would we have done even better?
Would we be sorting out within a shorter span of time?

Personally, I know that it would. Especially for me, that is. If the theories were briefed through and explained before we started the game, I'm thinking that Experiential Learning Cycle would have taken place too!

Wait a minute, can I say that we'd gone through Self-Directed Learning too?

We were given the cards and asked to sort out, those were the instructions.
As a group, we were all eager to and were definitely also motivated to complete them.
We looked for the information through the notes.
We split ourselves and took on different sets so that we could complete them and not forgetting to help each other when our own was completed.
We respected each other's thoughts on where or how the placements should be and worked together as a team.
... YES! Self-Directed Learning took place and had intertwined itself perfectly into our Collaborative Learning!

* * * * * * * * * * *

What've I learnt? I clearly understand now that to share or teach a knowledge, it isn't always necessary to go through by-the-book and give out the instructions or information first. I could give out related information in bits and pieces and allow the learners space and time to sort them out on their own before gathering them to pin point or reinforce the important notes too. I could also give out instructions for them to search and research more information before the session begins.

I'm sure this would change how I plot Lesson Plans in the near future. I am, for sure, eager to see how I'd churn out Lesson Plan with these new theories I have learnt.

* * * * * * * * * * *

It was a fruitful day. I didn't just refreshed my memories on the theories, I actually went through a couple of them through these games and examples too.

Now I get why they'd like us to keep a journal, if I hadn't try to pen these down, I wouldn't have sat here and reflect on the session and to be pleasantly surprised that so many theories happened during one activity, let alone, one session.

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