Monday, November 28, 2011

ACTA Then & Now...

When I first heard we're required to submit a journal as a part of the assessment criteria, I do not know whether I should laugh or cry. Though I love to pen my thoughts more than any of my friends, I've never thought that there's such a journal made for my line of work. However tedious, I'll have to start somewhere, somehow.

Since acquiring ACTA in 2009, I've been more than eager to apply what I've learnt to work. What I felt was most useful through ACTA was definitely getting to know

  • adult learning theories that led to the understanding of different learning styles;
  • factors that push or pull people in or from pursuing more learning;
  • and different types of learning methods...

Not forgetting, of course, the documentation part of it all! I've learnt how coursewares and assessments should be designed and carried out, under strict WSQ guidelines and procedures. These, in turn, created a sense of organization and structure in my daily training work and the inevitable, and sometimes irritating filing system at my messy work cubicle

And.... I finally understood why I feel lost sometimes during lectures and meetings and would need to find time after to read up on notes and minutes. Also it used to puzzle me why my books and meeting materials would be scribbled full of pointers and notes to myself, more than anyone elses'! I'm a very bad auditory learner. I was glad to find out and accepted this and informed all the ACTA assessors, truthfully, on assessment day to allow me to repeat their oral questions to myself a few times before making my final answers. Thank goodness. I used to think there was, perhaps, something wrong with my 'processing unit'.

Personally and/or professionally, I feel that the achievements, or at least to me, before 2011 ends, was finally granted the opportunity in designing and getting my first WSQ Courseware accredited. (yahoo!) It was something I had wanted to do for so long but the previous management was just not up to it and instead paid someone external for them to be done. After months of polite recommending, assertive proposing and aggressive promising them to 'let me do it', it was finally agreed; completed and most importantly, accredited. I've also learnt to submit the courses and their documents for the actual accreditation via skillsconnect.

I'm happy.
My first accredited set of training and assessment materials.

This first course will be rolled out in another month's time and by the time its first run completes, I'd be able to reflect on the entire journey from the preparation, designing, the assessment + my new responsibility of submitting the relevant assessments and other claims through skillsconnect too. I'm looking forward anyhow.

Did the completion of ACTA changed me and how I conduct training?

I believe it did, and in many ways.
I'm paying attention to the learner's background and profiles more than before and I'd create more classes for each 'subject' so that the learners are more comfortable to mingle within peers of similar capacity in terms of language, educational and competency standards.
I'm incorporating more learning methods rather than pure lectures to cater to learners with different learning styles.
All these and more...
The trainings done here, where I work, caters very much to trainees and learners from different education and cultural background, they also came with different expectations and are motivated by different things in life and ACTA helped clarify some of the common issues faced before and has helped smoothen out these since.

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With ACTA, I believe if I were to apply the 6 core values on how it has changed me or is going to change more of my future learning or development ways, the following have definitely taken place
  • Without my Passion for Lifelong Learning, I would never have embarked on the journey to learn and understanding training and educating adult on a deeper level. Without passion, there are many things impossible.
  • I've definitely grasped the The Uniqueness of Every Adult Learner, understanding that they have different stregnth and weaknesses as well as learning styles and these knowledge would help in future curriculum development to cater to suit the learners much better.
  • A deeper understanding in the learners, in how to plan, design and facilitate trainings and finally conducting proper assessments, these are definitely helping in the Improvement of my Professional Practice.
  • I've also seen some changes in how I'm planning trainings now and am no longer carrying the only goal to transfer learning only. I do pay attention to ensure different methods are being used and tried so to ensure the most appropriate ways are used. It is no longer I-train-You-Listen but I am showing more interest and respect to their prior experiences as well. These fall under Spirit Of Inquiry And Innovation.
  • I always ensure trainings done are meaningful and purposeful. In their case, role-plays are very popular, as well as OJT because they make them feel comfortable and relevant to be put into practice almost immediately = Authentic Learning.
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Right now, I'm excited to see where DACE takes me and how I could evolve further. :)

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